Abstracts – 33rd Annual Caribbean Dermatology Conference, Barbados
Abstracts are invited for the 33rd Annual Caribbean Dermatology Association Conference to be held November 6-9, 2024 on the beautiful island of Barbados.
This year’s Conference will continue to fulfil the CDA’s primary purpose of raising the standard of Dermatological knowledge and practice in the region, with presentations from dermatologists within the Caribbean, Canada and beyond.
Abstract Guidelines for 2024
Submission Dates: 1 March 2024 – 31 July 2024
The corresponding author should submit a curriculum vitae and a photograph
Abstracts are invited in the following areas:
- Medical Dermatology
- Procedural Dermatology
- Aesthetic Dermatology
All abstracts should contain:
a) Title: In bold type. Title case. No abbreviations.
b) Authors: Begin on a new line two spaces below title. Use italics. List: Initials of first names followed by surnames. Do not use full stops after initials. Omit degrees, titles and numbers.
c) Institution/Department/Country: Begin on a new line below Authors. Use italics. List: Department/ Institution/County where work originated
d) Email Address: of the corresponding author – include in the next line.
Research papers
1. The research or paper preparation must have been performed substantially within the past 5 years. The applicant does not have to be the primary author but should have enough involvement in the project to present it effectively and defend the presentation.
2. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that an author’s name may appear on.
3. Abstract text word limit : 250 words, Font: Times New Roman Size 12
4. Abstracts should be structured to include the following:
· Abstract Title: The abstract should have a short, specific title that indicates the nature of the investigation. Title should be in boldface font.
· Author Name(s): The name of the primary/presenting author should be underlined.
· Background: Covers key issues addressed, objective and hypothesis.
· Methods: Identify the research design, sampling strategy, measures and specific procedures employed including statistical tests.
· Results: Include major findings including measures of significance.
· Conclusion: Provide implications and limitations of findings, innovations to the field.
Case reports/series and review papers
1. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that an author’s name may appear on.
2. Abstract text word limit : 250 words, Font: Times New Roman Size 12
3. Case Reports and Review Papers require unstructured Abstracts.
Medical Students, Junior Doctors, and Resident Physicians
Medical Students, junior doctors, resident physicians are invited to submit abstracts in the following areas:
- Medical Dermatology
- Procedural Dermatology
Young physicians will have the chance to win a prize and present their work at the annual conference.
Notification of acceptance will be given to the participants by August 1, 2024.
Submit Your Abstract Here:
Or email your abstract to caribbeandermassocation@gmail.com.
If you have any questions call or WhatsApp 246-269-6183 or caribbeandermassociation@gmail.com.
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